The Great Resignation and Why Minimum Wage Jobs Matter—Free Verse

The experts don’t want you to know

Like clickbait

That the most painful part of hopelessness

And magic tricks

Is the hope that these mediocre job openings

And nothingness

Actually do deserve the best candidate,

And you’re not it.


And when they got you there

Playing cards and performing

You’ll do exactly what they want

With their toe jam in your ass crack

On and off the clock and preferably off the clock

Learning to spot a fifth month out of four

Dumping fluttering streaks on a beach.

Why Haven’t You Been Writing?

Pulling out Hair

Watch the baby.

Make breakfast.

Get the girl on the bus.

Watch the baby.

Do the dishes.

Watch he baby.

Go look for a job.

Watch the baby.

He is banging the pans.

Watch the baby.

How could you not hear?

Did you feed him lunch?

Why isn’t the laundry done?

You didn’t clean up after lunch.

Why is he still in his PJs?

Pick your daughter up from school.

Watch the baby.

Did you get that interview?

I’m not your babysitter.

What’s for dinner?

Clean the damn dishes.

Watch the baby.

Why didn’t you make the girl do her homework?

Get them in the shower.

Get them to bed.

Where the hell is that job you are supposed to get?

Resume Restrictions

4 Navy years, I stumbled through

Onboard electrician duties.

Sorry, it is unprofessional

To write “I” in a resume.

Someone stumbled through

Onboard electrician duties

Busting his shins on the metal edge

Of knee-knockers while tracking

Cables through the snaky mess

In the overhead brackets.


Then, I spent the next years

In and out of dead-end jobs.

Um… I mean…Someone

Spent those years

Building sandwiches on long rolls

And stacking vegies for customers

Who ask for no mayo only

To complain to the manager

That they received no mayonnaise,

Crawling under truck scales digging out

Buckets of dirt while hunching through

Webs and brushing off pale spiders,

And walking through the maze of

Complex apartments and around past

The boat docks where the streetlights shiver

Off the water surface because

The overcast blocks moonlight.


Then I… someone spent a year off

The job market. No, it’s none of

Your business. You will not hear about

The nights waking up shivering

With a chalk outline of sweat on

The sheets, pale skin and dizzy spinning

Gasps for breath half way up the stairs,

The medicated saline solution

That that drips down long plastic tubes

Into his arm, turkey baster

Syringe they hook to the base of

The IV tube to withdraw

A puff of blood into the tube

Before pushing florescent pink

Transmission oil into veins, nor

Kneeling over the toilet

Choking up the contents of breakfast

Realizing that Cinnamon Toast Crunch

Tastes the same going down as it does

Coming up. None of that is for you.